Lower Saluda Scenic River Advisory Council
I have represented TU on the Lower Saluda River Advisory Council since its inception in the early 90s, and a new representative needs to commit to that role in order for the chapter to remain a voting member. This has a been a very effective group with much credibility from its respected DNR staff council chair person, Bill Marshall and the credible "Saluda River Corridor Plan" that I served on that is still a guiding document. The Advisory Council was legislated by the state scenic river act when the lower Saluda received that special designation from the SC legislature. It represents a broad spectrum of citizens, groups, and companies with river interests all trying to work out how to implement the original plan's recommendations and maintain its uniqueness as a state scenic river. As I was quoted in the fall, 2011 SC WILDLIFE magazine article, "Take Me to the River", we were more effective over the years by having our concerns espoused by the Advisory Council, not just by TU. We need to keep TU representation on the council in the future with someone who will be active in addressing issues and working with that group to address them (like we last did with Lexington County on the silt load in the Saluda).
One of the key issues will be the next phase of the Columbia Greenway to run from the Zoo to I26. As I have noted before, there are plans for policing the problem areas around the Zoo which have led to many areas being restricted to the public. The project will also provide more public river access, including a take out point for floaters above the Mill Race Rapids for safer river exit, and a throw-in site below the I26 bridge at an old dirt boat landing once used by the Columbia Fire Department. The key feature will be a trail that will provide access up the river on the Columbia side which is now closed from the power lines at Mill Race upstream. This trail will finally provide long needed public access to the stretches of river around the islands below I26. Since much of the property upstream from the Zoo is private property, the new section of Greenway and new landings will make the river both more safer and more accessible for the public, and the provision for park rangers or city police as the other greenways have learned is a real necessity for an urban public park. Full details of the project can be learned from the River Alliance, including as a chapter monthly meeting program, and will be a major issue for the Lower Saluda River Advisory Council.
Note, the Congaree Riverkeeper was made an ex-officio member of the Advisory Council at my request in 2011 and will be a key leader on the best planning of this new stretch of Greenway and other access and safety issues with the city of Columbia and the River Alliance.