Saluda River Trout Unlimited Chapter 359
Founded 1982 in Columbia, SC, by a dozen anglers looking to start a fishing club. Our founders organized as a Trout Unlimited Chapter based on familiarity with TU as a highly regarded conservation organization. From the beginning to now, SRTU focuses on education in three key aspects: trout, trout habitat and ecological issues to maintain trout fisheries on the Lower Saluda River and other trout fisheries throughout South Carolina.
Our focus uses science based observation to help direct our efforts to enable our children and grandchildren the opportunity to enjoy clean cold water for their health and the health of trout to thrive so they will be able to discover the joy of fishing for the most beautiful specie of fish on earth.
Our education efforts reach several communities. Our members and friends attend monthly meetings and read our monthly newsletter to learn from local and region experts on trout, trout food sources, conservation projects and issues. Many school children across midlands of South Carolina are provided hands-on lessons through our Trout in the Classroom program. We engage with the SC Department of Environmental Services to promote 'Adopt-a-Stream' education to train citizen scientists to monitor rivers and streams.
The Chapter sponsors several fishing outings to promote and education the joy of fly fishing and how to be a responsible angler. We also participant and sponsor river clean up and other conservation related activities throughout the year.
To bring together diverse interests to care for and recover coldwater fisheries so our children will experience the joy of healthy trout habitats.
To build increasingly cooperative engagement in the work of repairing and renewing the rivers, streams and other waters on which we all depend for our communities and for the recreation of trout fishing.